Students & Families
General Information
Bus Information
Most of our Benjamin Elementary School students will be offered bus service for this school year. This service is optional. Parents may provide transportation for their children, if they so desire. Current Benjamin families should have received bus schedules. These schedules share information regarding bus numbers, pick-up times, and drop off times. Families new to Benjamin will receive this information closer to the start of school.
Drop off/Pick up Locations
Students who ride the bus will be dropped off at the north end of Benjamin, and depart from this same location each day. Parents who will be driving their children should drop off and pick up in the south entrance/parking lot each day. If you are dropping off your child(ren) in the morning, please be sure to follow the Red Zone expectations. Thank you for your help with keeping our students, families, and staff safe.
The Red Zone Student Drop-Off Area
For the safety of all of our students, if you are dropping off your child(ren) before school:
Let them out on the passenger side of the car once you reach the portion of the curb that is painted red. Do not park in the cross walk area. Once your child is out of the car and your car doors are shut, pull forward and exit the parking lot. This will allow the next group of cars to pull into the Red Zone. Do not wait until your child has entered the building to pull forward and leave, as this greatly slows down the drop off process. If you need to park your car and get out, please park in one of the actual parking spaces in the lot. Thank you for helping to keep our Benjamin students and families safe!
Lunch Schedule
School Hours
7:25-7:40 Students may arrive/Adult Supervision/Breakfast
7:40 The bell rings for students to head to class.
7:45 The bell rings for school to begin.
2:30 Dismissal
Attendance Line
Parents: If you are calling to report any absence, late arrival or early dismissal please call the attendance line number at (309)557-4459. For all other calls, please use the main line number at (309)557-4410. Thank you for your help.
Medical Exemptions/Physical Activity
In the best interest/safety of your child(ren), Benjamin Elementary will no longer allow students with medical excuses to participate in recess. If a student is not allowed to participate in physical activity per doctor advice, then he/she will be exempt from any class/activity that involves physical activity until released from the prescribing doctor. All medical excuses should be given to appropriate persons involved: including Physical Education instructors, school nurse, and Mrs. Bozarth. Students exempt from physical activities are encouraged to bring a book to read for the duration of their exemption.
After School Care
After School Care for this school year will be provided by Scribbles Center for Learning. The phone number for Scribbles is (309)665-0000.
Bullying Hotline Numbers
309-285-8912 – High School
309-285-8913 – Junior High School